HVAC Certification Programs
It seems like we see a new innovation everyday that have potential to be a game changer within any industry. HVAC is no different.
We provide various training classes to keep you up-to-date with the latest and greatest HVAC technology so you can bring that innovation and expertise into your next job. For classes, see our training calendar for detailed descriptions, schedule information, and registration links.
Need to get your maintenance techs certified?
We offer EPA study guides, prep classes, and certification tests for Multifamily Maintenance Technicians.
EPA License Quick Facts
Where do I start?
Study Guides and Exams are available at all Century HVAC Distributing locations. Please schedule your exam at least 24 hours in advance by calling the location where you would like to take the exam.
How to pass the test.
To have the best chance of passing the test, we strongly encourage everyone to purchase the book and study on their own for at least 2-4 weeks before attending a review class or scheduling the exam.
It's the Law
An EPA license is federally-issued and required to purchase or handle refrigerant. Century HVAC Distributing proctors the exam which is written and scored by a third party and independently certified by the EPA.
Having an EPA license does NOT make you "AC Certified"
There is a misconception within the industry that having an EPA license makes your maintenance technicians " AC Certified". In reality, an EPA license only makes it legal for that person to purchase or handle refrigerant. To become a licensed HVAC contractor or HVAC technician, you must pass the state licensing exam offered by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.
HVAC Contractors
To get an HVAC Contractor's license from the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) you must pass the state exam. Century HVAC Distributing does not offer the prep course or exams, but we do host the classes offered by Construction Data at our facilities once per quarter.
For more information about the licensing process, class schedules, and registration, please visit https://constructiondatainc.com/ or call 1-888-500-PASS (7277).
Century HVAC Distributing offers contractor training on a variety of topics and new technologies. To stay up to date with the latest info, please see our training schedule or sign up to receive email updates on the latest class offerings from Century.